Friday 16 March 2007

Single-handed on Sunday

Single-Handed, a new two-part mystery drama set in the West of Ireland, will air on RTÉ One at 9.30pm on Sunday the 18th, and conclude on Monday the 19th of March.

Produced for RTÉ by Touchpaper Television, it stars Owen McDonnell, Ian McElhinney, Laura Murphy and Liam Carney. It was written by Barry Simner and directed by Colm McCarthy.


Audrey said...

Did anyone else catch this? It seemed to crop up out of the blue. I thought it was absolutely great, really wonderful preformances, some lovely 2 hander scenes and a twist I really did not expect. Well done to all involved

Maura McHugh said...

I didn't see it Audrey, but I read a rather scathing review of the first part in one of the papers. I know at least one other person who thought it was decent, though. Glad you liked it. :)